Sunday, September 4, 2011

It's been a while!!

Wow!! I can't believe I haven't posted on here in over a year and a half. Life got in the way, I suppose. So much has happened since March 2010:

I got a job!! I've been working in the Admissions Department at Concordia University since July 2010. I love my job and my co-workers. I'm sad I'm not able to stay home, but realize that sometimes we have to do things we don't always want to do for the better of our family. I'm still holding out hope that one of these days I can stay home, but until then, I couldn't ask for a better job!

Our family is growing!! Troy and I found out we were expecting in April 2011. After everyting I went through with the miscarriage in 2009, we were very nervous but cautiously excited until we knew everything was ok. I'm happy to say that at 24 weeks pregnant, everything is going smoothly, and we are expecting a baby boy!! Estimated due date is December 26, 2011. Sydney is thrilled to finally get the opportunity to be a big sister, and can't wait until December to meet her baby brother! Here are a few pics of our little man:

Sydney started Kindergarten!! Wow! I can't believe my baby girl is old enough for school. She absolutely loves it, and can't wait to get to school each morning. I'm so proud of the young girl she's grown into, and can't wait to see what this year holds in store for her!!

We've definitely had a lot of changes in our family over the past year, all for the better! Hopefully I can update my blog more often than once a year, but we'll see how that goes!! Love to all!


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